Multifunction Retaining Structure
The retaining structure is the focal point of the yard, and the first part of the project that I built. Due to timing and the fact that there was no flat area on site, I built it on my patio at home and reassembled it in place. I framed it in four detachable sections which were screwed together on site.
I also cut and installed the decking at home.
The back/uphill side of the structure is made out of pressure treated plywood covered in felt paper to reduce rot. To retain the earth above it, we filled it with large rocks and gravel and drove rebar stakes attached to the frame into the ground. The gravel also provides drainage and helps prevent the decking from rotting.
After leveling and attaching the four sections together, I reinstalled the decking, backfilled the upper side, plugged the screw holes, and applied the finish.